About Me

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I am very new to Bikram yoga and have really come to fall in love with the practice. I am excited to share my Bikram experiences as I challenge myself to new heights of self-awareness and strength...through sweating in the heat. I am an RN in Baltimore who also loves to enjoy food, travel, experience music and dance...after a weekend of that, Bikram is a necessity! For me, Bikram is a natural Red Bull and the key to the best night's sleep you've ever had (also the best Booty sculptor known to man). If you are an anomalous yogi like me or just want some honest feelings on starting the practice, read my blog! Enjoy!

Monday, March 12, 2012

What a weekend!

This weekend was the first gorgeous weekend of the year, so obviously I did a few things that made my body HATE me...like drink a hubcap margarita from Nacho Mamas and dance my night away Friday night.  ughhhhh don't ever do it with only 2 ppl.  Insanity...and tons of new friends...in the questionable way.  So my body just said "f7&G#@2 you!" all day on Saturday.  And with the refreshments come the eating.  While drinking, I am always so hungry!  I have been known to inhale a whole pizza on my own before anyone even has a chance to realize I bought one.  Its amazing how much I love food, and how I can concoct some random recipe at any given time from what I have in my refrigerator.  Its like I stock a goddamn kitchen (its good for the wallet, just not my buddha belly).  Handy for times Papa Johns is closed by the time I come home.  These are also the moments I get mad that I don't have more of an affinity for prepared "ready to eat" food.

And what is ironic, is that my Friday evening Bikram session spurred all of this madness.  I went to the 5pm session with Sarah, and I felt so good after class.  It was my first class with Sarah, who also happens to be the owner of the studio.  I'm not gonna lie, I was flattered when she said she has seen me in class, and also felt charmed when she kept saying my name in class!  I'm sure she does it to all new students, but whatever.  Brings me back to my super-student days in grade school when I loved being called out in class for good behavior.  This night I realized that my body was waaay more flexible than when I started, as in the bends, my forehead freakishly just banged up against my knees with no effort at all.  I also realized that all the sit ups in between the floor poses are actually really refreshing for my body.  After my heart pounding savasanas, the sit up brings a flash of energy in a non-nauseating way.  When I flip over for all the floor poses I feel pretty agile.

So I energetically dragged Lauren out Friday night because I just had to go out!  God bless her.  So we danced, went crazy, and then did not see the light of day on Saturday.  I was still talking crazy at 7:30 am when I woke up in the morning, singing this:

You're welcome.  And yes, I do often wake up in a burst of song.  Totally the song of the weekend.

Sunday I wanted to redeem my lazy crunk ass and went to the 11am class.  I was super surprised and excited when Lauren said she wanted to come with me!  Girlfriend spent the whole weekend with me, and I was not expecting her to want to go to Bikram.  She is the friend I thought of during my very first class, as I sat in the heat and roasted.  After spending a lot of time with her in the past year or so, my Lauren impression includes: "I'm hot!  It's so hot!" and I thought she would hate it.  But whatever, I love that she at least wanted to try my new obsession.  Especially because, so far, none of my friends have wanted to come exercise in 105 degree rooms and sweat for 90 minutes!  I know she was really nervous, but she did really well for the first few poses.  Then she up and ran out of the room with her mat!  I know she was feeling nauseous, but I felt soooo bad that she left.  I kept thinking that maybe I should go out and leave with her?  After all, we weren't halfway finished the standing poses and there was a lot left.

But I'm a jerk, so I kept going.

This particular class I paid more attention to the locking of the legs in the standing poses.  Until Sarah pointed it out to me in class, I didn't realize I wasn't locking my knees properly...which means I haven't been doing any of the standing poses properly this whole time!  Horror!  But I know better now and I felt pretty good when I could still do the new, corrected versions of these poses.  However, the best part is that Lauren came back into class!  We were doing the floor poses and thankfully, those are way less difficult to do when your body is in panic-I'm-going-to-vomit mode.  So she finished class with me and we felt fabulous afterward!  We ate BLTs in hippie town (I know, there would be a Bikram place here, right?).  It was sooo fortunate that we saw Wanderlust on Saturday night.  If you haven't seen this, it's the Jennifer Aniston/Paul Rudd movie about a hippie commune, with styles and ambiance akin to Hampden and its kitschy shops and restaurants.  FYI, Hampden is fantastic to just walk around in with your post-Bikram sweat if you don't happen to shower right after class.  So attractive.

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