About Me

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I am very new to Bikram yoga and have really come to fall in love with the practice. I am excited to share my Bikram experiences as I challenge myself to new heights of self-awareness and strength...through sweating in the heat. I am an RN in Baltimore who also loves to enjoy food, travel, experience music and dance...after a weekend of that, Bikram is a necessity! For me, Bikram is a natural Red Bull and the key to the best night's sleep you've ever had (also the best Booty sculptor known to man). If you are an anomalous yogi like me or just want some honest feelings on starting the practice, read my blog! Enjoy!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Bikram classes 2,3,and 4!

I am so proud of myself! I have gone to 3 more Bikram classes since Sunday and I feel great! Maybe it's just from all the reading up on Bikram yoga that I've been doing, but I can already feel some changes.

My second official class was in the Hampden studio. I signed up for the month-long intro membership, and I am hopeful and ambitious! I want to go at least three times a week this month. Hopefully doable. I went to the 7pm class so I could successfully rest after my night shift and I must say, I felt really nauseous beforehand, like I always do when I know my body is going to experience a big undertaking. Is it weird that I get nausea before I workout? Anyway, I made sure to drink tons of water overnight at work and before class. I'm talking I peed so much that I considered using a nun's cap at work to see how much I was peeing (sorry, nurse joke). I was scared of getting dehydrated because in class Sunday I stopped sweating, and on my Punta Cana vacay when I stopped sweating, I developed a heat rash...

My teacher was Henri and he was very nice and friendly and he kept saying my name in class, so I felt like I had to put forth more effort that night. Class went well. I saw an old friend from UMBC, Kelly, for whom this was also her first class, so that was cool. I was relieved that the studio was full, but not quite as packed as Fairfax, so I felt less smothered in the 105 degrees. Haha, I even initially set my mat up right next to this chick who's eyes kept telling me to move over because there was so much space everywhere. I was anticipating a more packed class, but I liked my space. I did move over, I even got my own mirror! I was able to get through the class, did not feel as much nausea as on Sunday, and felt great when I got home. The only glitch was that my hair band snapped in the middle of the floor exercises. Whats more gross than sweating like crazy in 105 degrees? Doing it with your hair down! So gross. I had to apologize to Henri for the probable bed of hair laying in my spot after I left.

Thursday was class 3. I went at 11:30 and Lauren was my teacher. Now, one of my best friends is named Lauren, too, so I couldn't help but smile because this teacher is so bubbly and colorful like my friend. She was very friendly, and since I got there early and I was the only student there, we talked for a bit. Turns out she's been practicing since November 2010 and now she's in love with it. I immediately started setting super-high expectations for myself, but lets not get ahead of ourselves. She told me to put my name on the 30 day challenge board that the studio has, and I eagerly applied my class stickers.

Class was pretty awesome. It was a small class, probably b/c of the time of day; there were six students. I did all the poses without resting. I still struggled with back bends, but I could go much deeper into half moon pose in both directions than previously, and my side didn't hurt as much when I did them. Lauren corrected how I was doing my camel pose, and I thought that never would have happened in a big class. I sweated immensely today, omg, I was literally dripping the whole time! I must have drank a sufficient amount of water beforehand. But I couldn't help but admire the shine of my arms during Triangle pose...I felt great afterwards, and I met one of the other instructors at the studio. It turns out that Debbie was also an RN who worked nights in the past, and she was telling me that 9:30 AM would be a good class to take while I worked night shift. I'll have to try that this weekend. My only true grievance from today was when I realized class was scripted and the poses are all done the same way! Lauren said the same stuff as the Fairfax teacher! And I realized that Henri did the same thing last night. Like the jokes and the wording even. What?! Like when she goes "head back, go back, fall back, way back" and "fold your body tight like a Japanese ham sandwich". I thought that was weird, and I felt cheated because I thought the other teacher in Fairfax was being funny. Phooey.

Class 4 was rough. I decided to go to the 9:30 AM class on Friday because I made lunch plans with a friend. By the time I finish the 90 mins, have a quick refuel snack, and shower, it will already be like 12:30/1 by the time I'm ready. I'm slow, and I have a lot of hair to dry! I was kind of stressed because the night before, my beloved roomie broke the news to me that she's moving in with her boyfriend when our lease is up. I'm so happy for her, and I have to say, I knew it was coming. Congrats to Colleen! So I made plans with my friend to ask her if she wanted to be my new roomie.

Anyway, this class was a bit harder than the other classes for me. First off, my body hurt like a mo-fo, particularly my hamstrings. I felt like I couldn't get as deep into the stretches because my hamstrings were so tight. I felt like I was letting Lauren down when I had to take breaks. Also, my balance was way off today. On all the one-leg poses I kept losing my balance and I was getting frustrated. However, after all the glitches, I made myself exhale more forcefully and pushed my body into the compression poses even more to make up for it. I was way dizzy, but that was my sacrifice. Oh no, another thing...from hearing the same dialogue for 4 days, I stopped poses a little prematurely when I knew they were going to end. I felt guilty and like I half-asses today. However, at the end of class, Lauren said I was turning into a "regular", which made me proud, but all I could say was that "I'm a good starter". I notoriously start things and don't finish them.

Today is Saturday and I didn't go today. I know, I know, given my last statement, I should know better! But I have to work tonight and I didn't sleep well overnight at all. My new roomie said yes, by the way, so I'm not stressed if you think that's the reason. My body is just so tired and I feel like I can't stretch enough! It all just hurts! So I took the day off from Bikram, and seriously slept from 4 am-4pm. Not bad, right? So I'll be ready for class tomorrow morning at 9:30! Chugging water all the way.

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