About Me

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I am very new to Bikram yoga and have really come to fall in love with the practice. I am excited to share my Bikram experiences as I challenge myself to new heights of self-awareness and strength...through sweating in the heat. I am an RN in Baltimore who also loves to enjoy food, travel, experience music and dance...after a weekend of that, Bikram is a necessity! For me, Bikram is a natural Red Bull and the key to the best night's sleep you've ever had (also the best Booty sculptor known to man). If you are an anomalous yogi like me or just want some honest feelings on starting the practice, read my blog! Enjoy!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Musings about healthy people

Whenever I get back into a routine, especially a health-related one like going to yoga regularly or going to the gym every morning, I suddenly find myself more motivated to accomplish everything else in my life.  All of a sudden my room is a little cleaner, I actually have fresh produce overflowing from my refrigerator, and I call my mom (shout out to my Mom!).  A running start to the day keeps me on this action momentum, so I want to keep the productivity going.  It's like I am so proud of myself for going to Bikram that I want to tell everybody this accomplishment [so I started a blog about it, haha].  And in order to be really proud of that, I have to accomplish tons of other things too.  Self-fulfilling prophecy?  I don't know...you know, "accomplished and healthy people" do things like go to the gym three times a day and eat a Paleo diet, while buyling ONLY what they need from Target.  Maybe one's brain gets re-wired a certain way when it gets optimal amounts of exercise.  I'd love to become one of those people, because I can't begin imagine how efficient I'd be on any given day.  I'll let you know how that turns out :)


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